QR 1400 class update
An update on the QR 1400 class project…
In between orders, I’ve managed to get a test print done of the QR 1400 class, in 1:120 scale (I won’t call it NZ120, so we’ll call this QR120 instead!). Originally I was asked for an OO scale version that fits the Frateschi chassis (which I’m also working on, don’t worry about that!), and an HO version which I’ll start work on once I receive the parts from Northyard for an A-1-A HOn3.5 chassis.
As you can see from the test print the quality isn’t brilliant (need to set the angle steeper for the print so that I don’t get those annoying print lines) but it does show that the chassis (a Lifelike SD7 loco) fits perfectly for this model.